
Teen Boy

Are you a homeschool student seeking supplemental courses? 

Then our PART-TIME model is the right fit for you!

Not for you? Click Here

Thank you for your interest in enrolling with the Barren Academy of Virtual and Expanded Learning. It is our top priority for students to be set up for success! The online learning environment requires a lot of self-discipline and organization. We have found that students are most likely to be successful when they...

  • Are self-motivated, independent learners

    • Are effective time managers

    • Have adequate time and opportunity to study

    • Have good word processing skills, good written communication skills and a high reading comprehension level

    • Have parental/guardian support

Preparing for Enrollment

Click HERE to review the Preparing for Enrollment document.

Enrollment Process


To begin the enrollment process, potential students should complete and submit the online Student Questionnaire

Click HERE to access the questionnaire.


The student is responsible for submitting the following documents:

* if not currently attending a public school


Schedule an appointment for an initial meeting/conference with BAVEL staff. Please call our office to schedule an appointment at 270.629.4185.

  • Click HERE for a list of additional documentation required after initial meeting/conference with BAVEL staff.